HÓLAR A saddle is not just a saddle,…it is an important link between a rider and his horse. Trausti has for a long time worked in relationship with Hrimnir Saddles/Rúnar Guðbrandsson concerning saddle-development and other projects and all tack and saddles in his stable are from Hrimnir. For more, click HERE
![]() "Frostwear" clothes are unique outdoors Thermal Compression gears that simply make my life as a riding instructor easier and better. Standing the whole day in cold riding halls, the compression feature support my muscles and increase the blood circulation while keeping me warm. More info HERE
"Marry your horse"![]() „It´s difficult to explain the taste of an Orange“ the famous classical rider Kira Kirklund said. This I think is correct.
A good riding instructor wants to teach people to get involved in the horses life, to become necessary for their welfare and well being. Horses are not objects that you can use and then put away until you use it the next time. Horsemanship is not only science, not only what happens when you are in the saddle riding gates and exercises. Your success as a horseman does not hang on „speed“and „action“ Horsemanship is going on 24 hours a day, when you come to the stable, when you feed and brush your horses, when you work with and enjoy your horse, when you go home, and when you go to sleep. „Marry your horse“I sometimes say for fun, but all fun has a seriousness behind it. A well balanced horse goes where ewer the rider takes him in an even tempo and rhythm. He moves in harmony and he uses all his strength to do what the rider is asking through his aids. Horse and rider are one. TÞG This Web![]() This web is about Trausti´s riding courses and clinics. Among information about Trausti, the courses and his ideas on how to work with a horse, there is also information directed towards his pupils.
Under „Courses“ they can access through a login and password information that is specifically directed towards them individually. There the rider can see comments and directions from Trausti based on the current situation with the horse and the rider and suggestion on how they should train until next course. If the riders have questions between courses, they can send messages to Trausti and he will respond in a matter of days. Book a courseIf you are interested in getting a course with Trausti, don't hesitate to send him a message for further information [email protected] or mob-tel: +354 8943031.
NEWS"Basic-tolt" (schrolt) done on ListBasic-tolt is an "gate" or exercise which in, the "Biomachenics" for the horse to carry it self is done with out "high tention"
Advent MeditationMy friend and student Janet Mulder translated to English for me this little article. For that I am thankful and now you English speaking can also read it. Click HERE
Hugleiðing á AðventuTrausti birtir hér stutta grein sem hefur smátt ogorðið til á árinu 2024.
Lesið HÉR A new video on the web, "Schrolt-Grunn tölt" transitions" HEREThe way forward (English version)I had some whishes about a english version of the article "Leiðin fram" My friend Janet Mulder from Alaska translated it for me so it´s HERE
Leiðin fram![]() Trausti skrifaði nýja grein í november 2024. Fjallar hún um "Leiðina fram" og er hugsuð öllu metnaðarfullu hestafólki til leiðbeiningar í þjálfun hesta sinna. Greinin er HÉR
Gæðingalist![]() Að mínu mati snýst keppnisgreinin „Gæðingalist“ um sýningu sem afhjúpar hve vel menntaður hestur er og gæði samspils og gagnkvæms skilnings.
Að mínu mati er tilgangur „æfinga“ riðnum á gangtegundum, sá ...að styrkja hest og bæta sveigjanleika hans. Þetta tvennt bætir jafnvægi og alla líkamsbeitingu hestsins og gefur honum vellíðan og sjálfsöryggi. Að mínu mati blasir við áhorfanda sýningar í Gæðingalist gæði og skipulag þjálfunar. Vel þjálfaður / menntaður hestur bregst hiklaust og rétt við léttum og lítt sýnilegum ábendingum knapa vegna þess að skilningur hans er góður, og vegna góðrar þjálfunar er hann líkamlega, orðinn nægjanlega sterkur og sveigjanlegur,.....hann veldur semsagt verkefninu og geislar því af áhuga og öryggi. Sýningin öll endurspeglar gagnkvæma virðingu enda hesturinn einbeittur, „laus og mjúkur“ (Losgelassenkeit) og gegnumflæði frábært (durchlessigkeit). Allar sýndar gangtegundir bera vitni góðu líkamlegu og andlegu jafnvægi og knapi hefur góða stjórn á öllum reiðleiðum, staðsetningum og stefnu. Þegar hér er komið í þjálfunar-ferlinu, „hleypur“ hesturinn ekki aðeins fram,....heldur „upp og fram“ A 3 days clinic in AK icehorses Alaska![]() Trausti came to Anchorage in a Thursday and left for Iceland again on Tuesday. During this time he gave a 3 day course by AK Icelandhorses but it was probably in 2016 Trausti came there for the first time.
This time was just as nice as all the others, nice people, nice horses and good atmosphere. Students area HERE 5 days clinic in Kirkjuferjuhjáleiga![]() These last days, Trausti fulfilled an "old dream" he gave a course at home in his own farm, and the pupils had only Trausti´s horses to ride. The pupils came from Alaska/USA, all of them former pupils of Trausti´s during his visit´s to Alaska.
The horses Trausti offered to his pupils are all breed, educated and trained by him, so ....as he says with all "buttons" working and correctly "tuned" This was the first time Trausti does this and for him a kind of an "experyment" It was great experiance for Trausti and the pupils seemed satisfied and the horses came through this with out any problems.. Trausti is ready to do this again if someone has a small group of riders that want´s to try? (max 4 riders) Students area HERE Again 3 days in Denmark![]() Trausti had very good 3 days by Dagmar - https://dagmarshestetraening.dk/ with 8 pupils, some from former courses and some new ones. Trausti is already looking forward to the next time. Here is the students area.
The Dream and the Nightmare![]() I get very sad when I think about the "new" reality I live in. I have all my life enjoyed being with my horses, I have also spent a large part of my life sharing my "experiences" and "learned" knowledge with other people. I have given lectures on "the relationship between man and horse", .... how wonderful it is to experience when your horse looks at you with respect and understanding.
I never get tired of talking about my "best" moments and experiences as a horseman, ........ "When my horse and I are together, dancing in nature in perfect "harmony". We Icelanders are proud of our horse and allow ourselves to claim that he is the "most needed servant", the best friend of the family, the safest traveling companion, and the best “Ambassador”? Continue HERE Tölt in Harmony III![]() My pupils were training the „Tolt in Harmony“ difficulety-level III in august 21 and did very well concidering how well one must ride to be able to do that program in the middle of a big Pasture but the last 2 years my pupils here at home, the systers Oddný and Lea have been working hard on improving the contact with the horse so the outcome becomes better and better. One of the videos I made is available HERE for those who are interested:
The Summer Academy / Austria![]() During the week 16th to the 21st of august the ÖIV, Austrian Islandic horse association did the Sommer academy 21 which is a clinic/seminar for the youth in the Austrian Icelandichorse-world. There were 6 teachers working there each of them had a different "Tobic/theme to work with. This was a very interesting event and a good example of a very good "Youth-work" Trausti´s part was about the TIH /Tolt in Harmony and he had 8 pupils who all did very well. Trausti likes to thank all the staff and pupils there for inviting him and TIH. Foto: Nicole Heiling A 3 day clinic in Denemark![]()
Hestamannafélagið Sóti - aprílTrausti 3rd weekend in Ridingclub Sóti is over and as earlyer it was a nice weekend, good and „academic“ athmosphare.
Much progress and everyone is getting better. Trausti is looking forward to the last weekend in this serie which will be held in mai. Students area HERE Hestamannafélagið Sóti - Mars![]() Trausti was for the second time working with his group of good horse people at Sóti´s headquarters in Álftanes. It was a very nice weekend for Trausti, his pupils share with him the curiosity and will to learn and to become better horsemen/riders.
There is always a lot to discussion and the „Gæðingafimi“ competition recently held in the Icelandic „Master liege“ is having a great influence and people are very impressed of seeing the good development, Icelandic horsemanship is undergoing. Students area HERE Hestamannafélagið Sóti - FebrúarTimes have been strange, all people in a kind of in a "Covid-coma". Maybe live is starting again:-) Course-bookings have started to come again, some abroad and some here in Iceland. That´s good!
Trausti was in the middle of February giving a course in Álftanes by the riding-club Sóti. New pupils in a brand-new riding hall,...fantastic:-) Students area HERE A september-course at Ishof![]() Trausti was at Ishof/Germany during the last weekend in September. As before the atmosphere was really nice, some former pupils and some new. It was in Trausti´s opinion successful days and he hopes the pupils will go on improving their and their horses skills.
Students area HERE A new article - "The Wonder"![]() Trausti had a little-bit time traveling on flights and trains in September so he wrote a new article for this web. It is about an interesting detail concerning the history of the Icelandic horse or at least how Trausti understands that.
The article you will find HERE or under "Articles" on the top of this page and the title is: The Wonder. A weekend-course in Brå/Denmark in September![]() Trausti had his first course abroad after the “Covid 19” started in Brå/Jylland/Denmark. A group of 10 riders had been gathered by Dagmar Yding Wilhelmsen who runs a farm and has built a beautiful riding hall there.
It was such a nice feeling for Trausti to meet a group of riders again after a “long” period of almost only teaching “online” for some/many months. Thank you so much Dagmar. The atmosphere was wonderful, everyone felt the same relief. Good horses focused and ready and riders “hungry for knowledge” Lot of progress. Thank you Students area HERE A Open letter to the Icelandic-horse world
Very pleasant weekend in Fitjar, always good atmosphere, riding and people. Student area HERE.
Stadsberga-Vestergarden/Sweden April
Another nice weekend in Stadsberga, unbelievable progress, riders and horses were so good, everybody is taking it very serious. Students area is HERE
Kalvefalls/April course
This weekend Trausti gave a special course in kalvefalls. There were fewer riders than normally which gave Trausti the possibility to support even more the riding. Riders area HERE
Nøstvedt/Norway April
Trausti had a very nice weekend in Nøstvedt, a lot of progress is going on, riders are taking the training in between the course serious. Trausti is looking forward for the next course in May. Students area is HERE
Stadsberga-Vestergarden/Sweden Feb
Ann Sofie Malm has organised Trausti-courses in Stadsberga-Vestergarden for almost 2 years now. The farm and the ridinghall is very nice and Trausti likes to work there. Thank you all for a nice weekend. Students area HERE
Lindenhof/Germany February

Fantastic 3 days in Lindenhof. Sunday, the International Gated horse association got a clinic from Trausti. That was a very interesting and nice experience for him. Fantastic horses and riders. Then on Monday and Tuesday, a course with the riders of Lindenhof and some more people. Students area HERE
Nøstvedt/Norway - January course

The first course 2017 was held in Nøstvedt, Norway. It is the third year that Trausti is working with most of the group there, but we started working together in Sætra and moved in the middle of the last year to this very nice farm.
There is a great progress going on by the former riders, and new riders are interesting and all the horses are good.
Students area HERE
There is a great progress going on by the former riders, and new riders are interesting and all the horses are good.
Students area HERE
5 Days Training school I, II, III

Trausti´s Riding School presents "5 Days Training School I II III.
I am proud to present the idea about the Training School. It has become a reality because of my friends Asa and Olle in Kalvefall in Sweden. They asked me if I could make a 5 days course in Kalvefall, which I promised to look into. Now the course has a date, 10-14 of June this spring. I am looking very much forward to this event.
When I started working on the organisation, I soon realized that I would have to offer more courses, because the subject is big. Therefore I have started to plan Training School II and III.
The Training School courses are designed for riders that have experience and want to get more out of their horsemanship.
The courses are a very good preparation for ambitious competition riders, and may give them a new direction to higher goals.
You can look at the program for the Training School I by clicking the "Training School" at the Top of this page or simply click HERE
I am proud to present the idea about the Training School. It has become a reality because of my friends Asa and Olle in Kalvefall in Sweden. They asked me if I could make a 5 days course in Kalvefall, which I promised to look into. Now the course has a date, 10-14 of June this spring. I am looking very much forward to this event.
When I started working on the organisation, I soon realized that I would have to offer more courses, because the subject is big. Therefore I have started to plan Training School II and III.
The Training School courses are designed for riders that have experience and want to get more out of their horsemanship.
The courses are a very good preparation for ambitious competition riders, and may give them a new direction to higher goals.
You can look at the program for the Training School I by clicking the "Training School" at the Top of this page or simply click HERE
The beauty lies within

In the beginning of a new year, one often wonders about his/her´s things of importance. For Trausti, that is the horses and riding.
A new short article was born here on New Years-day. It is Traustis thoughts on riding and the horse. You can access it HERE or on the top of this page: "The beauty lies within"
A new short article was born here on New Years-day. It is Traustis thoughts on riding and the horse. You can access it HERE or on the top of this page: "The beauty lies within"
Courses 2017-bookings
Those interested in booking some dates, please contact me either here in Contact, on Facebook/Messanger or send me a mail: [email protected]
- The standard weekend courses are always a good option and popular.
- The instructor´s goal for the rider is to find out what are the real roots and reasons for mistakes?
- Is it a lack of knowledge, or a lack of balance,….old habits or…?
- What parts of his/her riding need to or can become better, and what exercises are good for improvement.
- For the Autumn/Fall, there is increased interest for longer courses, maybe 3-4 days. They give the opportunity for doing more different work that supports the training in the saddle. Training methods, that during a weekend-course often only are discussed, but not done practically. For example:
- Working from the ground and Longue-work:
- Contact
- Friendship
- Respect and leadership
- Concentrated work
- Flow of the aids
- Increased Suppleness
- Increased Carrying-force
- Working in open spaces
- Take the Riding-hall/Round-pen work out of the Wall/Fence support into open spaces.
- Hand-horse riding
- Make your horse proud and positive
- Working from the ground and Longue-work:
Those interested in booking some dates, please contact me either here in Contact, on Facebook/Messanger or send me a mail: [email protected]
Last course 2016
The last course 2016 was held in the Vestergard/Stadsberga in Sweden. Nice Christmas-athmosphare, good food and cakes.
3 new riders, and a creative work by everyone.
Students area HERE
3 new riders, and a creative work by everyone.
Students area HERE
Article on Tölt in Harmony - philosofy
Trausti has written a short text on the TIH filosofy wich many people seem to look at as just a new competition, but for Trausti it is much more.and. You will find a link into it here in the top of this page. You can also open it HERE
Fitjar/Holland Desember - 2016
Christmas spirit allready in Fitjar by Maaike and Remco. Beautyful atmosphare, good horsemanship, good horses. Students area HERE
Oedhof - Desember - 2016

Trausti had a very nice weekend in his old home Oedhof in Bayern/Germany. Many old friends and some new ones, good horses and good admosphare.
Students area HERE
Students area HERE
A November course in Kalvefalls
Trausti had a very nice weekend in Kalvefall/Sweden togeather with his very good riders there. It was a creative weekend with lot of interesting things going on. The students area HERE
A November course in Nöstevedt
The weekend 19-20 November Trausti gave a course in Nöstevedt/Norway and as often before there were some new pupils mixed into a older group of riders. These have been riding under Trausti's instructions now for almost 3 yesrs, starting in The farm Sætra, and then mowing from there to Nöstevedt.
It was a very nice weekend, much progrerr going on and interesting new riders aswell.
Student's area HERE
It was a very nice weekend, much progrerr going on and interesting new riders aswell.
Student's area HERE
A new Press-release
Under "Articles" here in the Top-menu there is a option "Press and Letters" under there there are some short articles written about "Trausti's RidingSchool"
There is a new article there written by a Alaskian trainer Janet Mulder. You can also see it HERE
There is a new article there written by a Alaskian trainer Janet Mulder. You can also see it HERE
Nöstvedt, new place, old pupils
The pupils Trausti has been working with at Sætra in Norway, moved to a new place the farm Nöstvedt which is closer to Oslo and a very nice horse farm. There will be a second course there in November, but after that it will move again to a nother place because of much busyness there in a new year. It was a nice weekend. Students area HERE
Oktober course in Kalvefalls/Sweden
The 1st and the 2ond days of Oktober Trausti was in Kalvefall and worked with his good/old riders and some new people and horses. The weekend was Super-interesting, also becaose of the preperation-work with some of the riders for a TIH competition that will be held in Stockholm in a 3 weeks time. Students area HERE
Lindenhof visit
Trausti was in Lindenhof by the Trappe-family for 3 days in September working with both riders and horses. As before there was a 10 riders group in the afternoon, but in the mornings Trausti was giving the very experianced riders and trainers in Lindenhof his wiev on some very good horses they are training now for shows and competitions. Trausti has written HERE his plans for the training of these hores for the next weeks.
August-course in AK Icelandic Horse Farm/Alaska
What a privilege it is for Trausti to meet more and more new people and horses. Trausti's first trip to Alaska was for him a nice experience, beautiful landscape and nice people and lots of interest for good riding.
Student's area HERE
Student's area HERE
August-course in Kalvefalls/Sweden
Another nice weekend in Kalvefalls. Old pupils and new ones, great progress going on.
Student's area HERE
Student's area HERE
June-course in Margarethehof/Sweden
Nice Monday and Tuesday at Margarethehof. Both and old and new friends, horses in good shape, everything is going forward.
Student's area HERE
Student's area HERE
June-course in Vestergard/Sweden
May-course in Sætra/Norway
The May-course in Sætra was a specially nice experience for Trausti, because of the big step forward most of the riders were taking. This happens when people start to realize how important the basics, nice light communications and all the details are. Trausti is thankful for the weekend and looks forward to meeting his pupils again in the fall.
Student's area HERE.
Student's area HERE.
May-course in Gut Birkholz/Germany
The third course in Gut Birkholz during last weekend was a nice experience for Trausti. Progress going among the older pupils and promising projects for the future.
Student's area HERE
Student's area HERE
Lindenhof Training
In the Tuesday following the course in Lindenhof, Trausti looked at some horses for a small group of riders, to help them to plan further training. Trainer's area HERE
May-course in Lindenhof/Germany
Trausti was giving a course in a new location, highly respected farm in Germany, the Lindenhof, where family Trappe lives and breeds horses. Lot of new friends and many young very promising riders.More courses are being planned. Thank you for your interest Lindenhof.
Student's area HERE
Student's area HERE
May-course in Kalvefall/Sweden
The best weekend until now in Kalvefall,... why?... Riders are in greater and more important progress than ever before.
Student's area HERE
Student's area HERE
April/May-course in Fitjar/Netherlands
During the past Trausti has gone twice a year and given a course by Maaike Burggrafer and Remco Pool in Fitjar/Netherlands. When there is a long time in between course, then it of course means slower progress, but Trausti is always very happy to come to Fitjar and to meet old and new friends. This weekend was a good one, a lot of good moments, that were by the audience accepted as "wow" situations. The next course is planned late this year.
Student's area HERE
Student's area HERE
April-course in Kalvefall/Sweden
First spring-course in Kalvefalls was held last weekend. The competition season is getting closer and the riders are preparing for the sport. Important for the riders is to learn to work with what they have and do demands according to that. One competition season can be a step in the right way, if the horse is allowed to grow without too much difficulties. It is really important the mental balance of the horse when the presentation is finished and he is off the track.
All riders must learn to have their ambitions and their tensions under control and remember how important the homework is.
Student's area HERE
All riders must learn to have their ambitions and their tensions under control and remember how important the homework is.
Student's area HERE
March-course in Margaretehof/Sweden
March-course in Oedhof/Germany
This weekend Trausti had a reunion with his home 16 years ago, Oedhof. He met both, old and new friends. The weekend was for him filled with memories and there was another date made for December, which he is already looking forward to. Good riders and good horses.
Student's are HERE
Student's are HERE
March-course in Saetra/Norway
Terrific weekend in Saetra, lots of development.
Student's area HERE
Student's area HERE
Kalvefalls in February
12, 13 and 14th of February Trausti was in Kalvefalls, gave som privat lessons, took part in a wery nice day when Asa and Olle opened theire new Hrimnir shop and Trausti rode a clinic with Ómur, the stallion in Kalvefall. On the Saturday and Sunday, Trausti gave a few riders a course wich was wery successful and nice. Students area HERE.
February-course in DirdlmyriDagfari/Denmark
One year from the last course, but now we start the 2016 program.
Student's area HERE
Student's area HERE
February-course in Kalvefall/Sweden
Exciting weekend in Kalvefalls, some private lessons, a clinic with Ómur and a weekend course.
Student's are HERE
Student's are HERE
February-course in Vestergarden/Sweden
The third course in Vestergarden is over and the group was changing a little bit, four new riders were joining and work goes on.
Student’s are HERE
Student’s are HERE
January-course in Sætra/Norway
First course in 2016 in Sætra was a very nice experience for Trausti, the riders have been doing their homework and they show great progress. Next course in Sætra is in February and it will be exciting to see the situation then.
Student's area HERE
Student's area HERE
Information about Courses

Practical Information for those that are interested in hosting a Course or a Clinic with Trausti, Click on "Info/Courses or HERE. For further information contact Trausti.
Last course 2015

Trausti gave the last course 2015 in Stadsberga Vestergard in Sweden. This was the 2ond course there and some of the former students took part and some were new. It was a nice weekend for Trausti, and there is a good focus and ambition in the group. Trausti is looking forward to the next time in Stadsberga.
Students area HERE
Students area HERE
December-course in Margaretehof/Sweden
Mia Sandelin organised a very nice weekend in Margaretehof. Trausti met a group of new friends, both four leged and two leged. He was impressed of the horses and the possibilities the riders have and he looks forward to another visit next year. The riding hall in Margaretehof is a unbelievably nice working place, so well isolated and the design reminded Trausti more of a church than a riding hall.
Student's are HERE
Student's are HERE
November-course in Sætra/Norway
The weekend 28th-29th November was one of these courses where Trausti saw big changes in the right direction with all of his riders. Things are happening in Sætra.
Student's area HERE
Student's area HERE
November-course in Kalvefalls/Sweden
Last course 2015 in Kalvefalls was very nice, and clearly much progress going on with riders and horses.
Student's are HERE
Student's are HERE
November-course in Gut Birkholz/Germany
The weekend 14th-15th November Trausti gave a course for the second time in Gut Birkholz in the Berlin-area and most of the participators were for him new pupils. The working conditions in Gut Birkholz are really good and it was a successful weekend, with good atmosphere.
Student's area HERE
Student's area HERE
Article "Contact"

My trainee/practicant Johannes Amplatz from South Tirol, has been here with us since the middle of January. He is not only learning and studying practical things, but also the theory. His first article belongs to that part of his studys. It is about the Contact and you can find it HERE.
October-course in Svisshólar/Switzerland
Probably 4th or 5th course arranged by Barla Isenbuegel and Einar Gíslason, but the first one held in their stable Svisshólar was a nice experience for Trausti. Friendly and relaxed atmosphere in and around the very nice working place, which is a 20x40 with a round pen in one end. Trausti is hoping that he will more opportunities later on to work there. Some older students and some newer ones made the weekend interesting.
Student's area HERE
Student's area HERE
October-course in Kalvefall/Sweden
The weekends in Klavefall are always exciting and interesting for Trausti. The working atmosphere is simply as good as it gets. Riders are in progress, influencing their horses better and better into a positive direction.
Student's area HERE
Student's area HERE
October-course in Saetra/Norway
Patience is important, in the end it will always pay off. This was for Trausti obvious last Weekend when he had his pupils for probably the 5th course. Great things were happening, much development in riding, nice development in the contact between the horses and the riders and therefore a great success. Trausti came home, filled with excitement, looking forward to going on in the end of November.
Student's area HERE
Student's area HERE
Nice weekend in a new Place
Trausti gave a course in the weekend in Stadsberga Vastergard / Sveden. New riders and a new place, thank you all. Students area HERE
Video of our Ösp
We have a wonderful 8 years old 4 gaited mare here. Trausti took a ride with her the other day and we made a video. You can see it HERE
September-course in Kalvefalls/Sweden
Great improvement in riding is what Trausti experienced by his "older" students and some promising new students.
Student's area HERE
Student's area HERE
September-course at Thor Icelandics/New York
Nice weekend in a new "clinic-place" for Trausti. Many good horses and ambitious riders. Terrific farm in beautiful nature. Trausti hopes that everybody learned something.
Student's area HERE
Student's area HERE
September-course at Red Feather Icelandics in Washington
And more new places for Trausti. Red Feather Icelandics farm is a beautiful working-place close by Mount Adams in Washington State. Unbelievable view to the mountain made Trausti feel almost at home. Thank you Dick and Linda Templeton for hosting this very well organised weekend.
Students area HERE
Students area HERE
August-course in Mountain Icelandic Farm/USA
Once again a new place with new rider and new horses, always as interesting for Trausti. Mountain Icelandic Farm is a beautiful place with good working facilities.
Student's area HERE
Student's area HERE
August-course in Kalvefalls/Sweden
Very nice days in Kalvefalls and Asa and Olle they are so interested and so active that it is almost unbelievable. Kalvefalls is one of my favorite places to work in and my students there they are really doing the work. The TIH competition held on Sunday was well organised and the new TIH track outside is beautiful.
Student's area HERE
Student's area HERE
August-course in Echo Ledge/USA
It was nice to meet new friends and horses in NH. Beautiful farm and very nice working facilities for riders and horses. Friendly atmosphere and lots fun.
Student´s area HERE
Student´s area HERE
June-course in Hombrektikon/Switzerland
Another very nice weekend for Trausti in Hombrektikon is over. Much development in both riders and horses and exciting times ahead.
Student's area HERE
Student's area HERE
May-course in Sætra/Norway
Spring course in Sætra was nice, many riders showing a lot of progress and the horses following, exciting times.
Student's area HERE
Student's area HERE
May-course in Kalvefalls/Sweden
My pupils in Kalvefalls are one of those groups that have learned to understand that courses held on a regular basis is the way to go. This time Trausti realised that he can ask more from his pupils then ever before and everybody is showing great progress.
Student's area HERE
Student's area HERE
May-course in Switzerland
One more course organised by Barla Isenbügel is over, many new riders took part and some former pupils. It was a very nice experience and everybody seems to be focused and ambitious. The horses were good, with lots of potential. Trausti is looking forward to the course in June.
Student's area HERE
Student's area HERE
March-course in Kalvefalls/Sweden
One more nice weekend in Kalvefalls is over, old pupils were showing good progress and new ones were very promising. Trausti is looking forward to the next time.
Student's area HERE
Student's area HERE
March-course in Gut Birkholz/Germany
The weekend from 14th-15th March Trausti gave his first course in Gut Birkholz, not far away from Berlin. All the riders were new for Trausti to work with and they seemed to be interested in learning his philosophy. Another course has been planned later this year.
Student's area HERE
Student's area HERE
March-course in Sætra/Norway
Trausti's March-course in Sætra was a nice experience for him and the riders. There is a progress going on and slowly the riders are getting better and the result: better gaits.
Student's area HERE.
Student's area HERE.
American article about Trausti's Riding School
Open it HERE
February-course in Switzerland
One more nice weekend for Tarusti beeing in Switzerland. As normally older and new pupils, much ambition and interest to learn. That is horsemanship. Thank you all!
Student's area HERE
Student's area HERE
February-course in Kalvefalls/Sweden
The week from 2nd to 8th February Trausti worked in Kalvefalls/Sweden with young horses and older ones and gave a weekend course on Saturday and Sunday. As always the atmosphere in Kalvefalls was very nice and for many of the pupils this course was the 4th in a line of courses Trausti has given there before. The theme is "Riding in Harmony" and Trausti felt that the riders have been doing their homework and many of the riders showed a lot of progress. The next course is planned in March and Trausti is already looking forward to going on.
Student's area HERE
Student's area HERE
January-course in Sætra/Norway
Trausti gave a course in Sætra late January. As usually, the athmosphare was nice, mostly his old pupils, one new.
Students area HERE
Students area HERE
January - Course in Fitjar/Netherlands
Trausti gave a course in Fitjar by Maaike Burggrafer and Remco Pool late in January. The atmosphere was very nice and the food made by Maaike and Remco was as always very good. Student's area HERE.
January - Course Switzerland
Trausti was for the second time in Switzerland and gave a course organized by Barla Isenbuegel. Some new riders took part and some older ones. Student's area HERE.
January - Course Dyrdilmyri
Trausti had a nice weekend together with both, old pupils and some new ones. The training plans for the riders are HERE.
The year 2014
Sitting in the ICE train from Nurnberg to Frankfurt airport on the way home after the last course/clinic 2014 held in Pfaffenbuch/Ansbach - south of Germany - I go over the years' work. I have given 22 courses since January and taken part in a several seminars introducing the "Tölt in Harmony" concept. The courses have taken place in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, The Netherlands, Switzerland and the USA.
About one third of them have been in relation with, or about the TIH concept. Others have been about other different themes such as communication, training of gates and exercises supporting the horse's mental and physical strength.
I am very pleased with growing interest in the TIH concept and have started to become more optimistic about the concept's influence. Influence on people´s way of thinking about riding and possible influence on competitions and shows on the Icelandic horse.
Most of my courses are focused on the contact between man and horse, which I truly believe is the heart of horsemanship. The contact in my opinion should be based on trust respect and understanding. To reach that point, riders need a basic knowledge of horses' behaviour capability well-being and exercised control of their own body and balance. They can then communicate in a clear and precise way with the horse through aids and rewards.
Throughout the year, I have met so many new pupils, seen and tried so many horses, off different levels both for riders and horses. The number of groups that I visit on a regular bases is growing. It is good to feel how many riders truly want to improve their riding to be able to give their horses a good life and experiences as riding horses. This gives me a good feeling about the work waiting for me next year. It already looks like it will be another busy and interesting one. More than half of it is booked with courses here and there. Many in places I now know well: old pupils wanting to go on improving and some new ones that I look forward to meet. I am looking forward to the year 2015.
I wish all my pupils and friends, old ones as well as new ones a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
About one third of them have been in relation with, or about the TIH concept. Others have been about other different themes such as communication, training of gates and exercises supporting the horse's mental and physical strength.
I am very pleased with growing interest in the TIH concept and have started to become more optimistic about the concept's influence. Influence on people´s way of thinking about riding and possible influence on competitions and shows on the Icelandic horse.
Most of my courses are focused on the contact between man and horse, which I truly believe is the heart of horsemanship. The contact in my opinion should be based on trust respect and understanding. To reach that point, riders need a basic knowledge of horses' behaviour capability well-being and exercised control of their own body and balance. They can then communicate in a clear and precise way with the horse through aids and rewards.
Throughout the year, I have met so many new pupils, seen and tried so many horses, off different levels both for riders and horses. The number of groups that I visit on a regular bases is growing. It is good to feel how many riders truly want to improve their riding to be able to give their horses a good life and experiences as riding horses. This gives me a good feeling about the work waiting for me next year. It already looks like it will be another busy and interesting one. More than half of it is booked with courses here and there. Many in places I now know well: old pupils wanting to go on improving and some new ones that I look forward to meet. I am looking forward to the year 2015.
I wish all my pupils and friends, old ones as well as new ones a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
Trausti's 1st course in Switzerland
The weekend of the 6th and 7th of December Trausti gave a TIH course in Mönchaltorf in Switzerland and the course was organized by Barla Isenbuegel. It was a nice experience for Trausti and he was very pleased with both, riders and there horse. Barla has planned more courses in the future and the 2nd course will be held in January. Students area HERE
From my video collection
Jacky Schmid and Prins training 5gate
Jacky Schmid was my pupil for more then 2 years when she was training Prins vom Haselbach a five gated son of Góður Greifi. Jacky´s plan was to ride Prins for Italy in the WM in Berlin 2013, but unfortunately Prins became lame just a few days before the event. Prins was sold shortly after that and is now in Germany.
3rd Clinic in Sætra
During the weekend 22./23. of November Trausti gave his third riding course in Sætra Islandshestegard in Norway. It was a remarkable weekend, very much development is going on and it will be exciting for Trausti to come there again in February. Students area HERE
4th Course in Kalvefalls
The weekend of the 15th and 16th of November Trausti gave the 4th course in Kalvefalls by Asa and Olle. It has always been nice for Trausti to work with the riders in Kalvefalls but never as nice as this time because in this weekend he saw a big progress by most of his old pupils and the new pupils this time are also interesting people with good horses. Trausti is looking forward to the next course which will be held in February. Students area HERE.
November-Course Sunland Ranch/California
Trausti was during the week from the 6th to the 12th of November in Sunland Ranch in California by Kimberly Hart who organized private lessons and a clinic during the weekend. There where ten participators in the clinic and directly after the clinic there was made a decision to make another one in February. Trausti is of course very pleased to feel the interest and ambition and all the horses these riders have, offer a lot. Students area HERE
October-Course in Sætra Islandshestegard/Norway
Trausti was again in Sætra in October and gave another course to exactly the same group he was working with in September. Trausti was very happy about this because courses given with not to much time in between are much more efficient.
After the courses take home projects they need to work on until the next course.
Students area HERE
After the courses take home projects they need to work on until the next course.
Students area HERE
Seminar in Wiesenhof
"IPZV-Jugentagung" a Seminar for C- and B-trainers was held in Wiesenhof the 10th to 11th October. Trausti took part in the seminar and had both lectures and demonstrations about training the horse according to the classical training stages. He also made a demonstration and introduction of the Tölt in Harmony. In the seminar there were between sixty and seventy participators and there were interesting discussions about the topic.
October-Course Mosbach and Ansbach
Trausti met once again many old friends and some new ones in a trip to Bayern. On the friday he worked in Pfaffenbuck/Ansbach by Andrea Christl. This was a new experience for Trausti and he will go to Ansbach again in December.
On the Saturday and Sunday Trausti gave a course in Mosach, where he met many of his old pupils.
On the Saturday and Sunday Trausti gave a course in Mosach, where he met many of his old pupils.
TIH in Sætra Islandshestegard in September
In the end of September Trausti gave a TIH course in Sætra Islandshestegard in Norway. In Sætra My and Rune have resently build a ridinghall and it prooved to be perfect workingplace for Trausti.
The students area HERE
The students area HERE
TIH in Kalvefalls in September
The weekend, 13,Th of September Trausti gave a TIH clinic and the Monday and Tuesday training-days and private lessons at Kalvafells in Sweden. The riding hall at Kalvefalls is very good for this work and the floor is without any doubt one of the best Trausti has experienced.
Riders, CLICK on your name to see your training plans and the comments from Trausti
Anita Fritz
Asa Strandberg
Beatrice Olsson
Birgitta Fritz
Elin Graberg
Elin Klingstedt
Katarina Sjöberg
Larissa Holtermann
Mariette Gustavsson
Nicole Sällberg
Olle Forsell
Paula Larsson
Sabina Wencker
Veronica Brangenfeldt-Hansson
Riders, CLICK on your name to see your training plans and the comments from Trausti
Anita Fritz
Asa Strandberg
Beatrice Olsson
Birgitta Fritz
Elin Graberg
Elin Klingstedt
Katarina Sjöberg
Larissa Holtermann
Mariette Gustavsson
Nicole Sällberg
Olle Forsell
Paula Larsson
Sabina Wencker
Veronica Brangenfeldt-Hansson
Avaleable weekends in Mai and June

There are free weekends in Mai and June, and Trausti has started to book courses for the fall 2014 and winter 2015. Those interested, send a mail to: [email protected] or phone: +354 8943031.
Trausti honoured by the TIH in Sweden

The TIH in Sweden has announced that Trausti is now a honorary member of the association. We are very proud and thankful for that.
A new short article "Horsemanship"

There is a new article here on our web, under "Articles" but you can also Click HERE
What is beautiful?

One can look at Tölt in Harmony as a test on where the rider and the horse are, concerning the Classical Training stages.
Behind a perfect TIH presentation, lays a well organized, longtime training, led by the Training stages, and a perfect communication between horse and a rider.
TIH courses are made to help riders to understand and realize where they and their horse are placed, what is missing, and how to get there.
For me, the writer of this column, riding is only beautiful when a rider and his horse are clearly on the right track that leads to the goal.
Full understanding is reached, when rider and his horse look as one. Their communication is just between the two of them, not to be seen by the spectators.
For the audience, things just kind of happen correctly and it seems to be very easy for the rider to get the horse to do things right, and of beauty and harmony. That is in my opinion beautiful.
Trausti Þór Guðmundsson
Behind a perfect TIH presentation, lays a well organized, longtime training, led by the Training stages, and a perfect communication between horse and a rider.
TIH courses are made to help riders to understand and realize where they and their horse are placed, what is missing, and how to get there.
For me, the writer of this column, riding is only beautiful when a rider and his horse are clearly on the right track that leads to the goal.
Full understanding is reached, when rider and his horse look as one. Their communication is just between the two of them, not to be seen by the spectators.
For the audience, things just kind of happen correctly and it seems to be very easy for the rider to get the horse to do things right, and of beauty and harmony. That is in my opinion beautiful.
Trausti Þór Guðmundsson

Trausti had a nice weekend the 19-20 of Oktober in the Icelandic horse farm Bakkeholm in Sjælland/Denemark. The theme was TIH which seems to have growing interest in many countries. There were good riders in the course and many of them have very good horses that will for sure be able to perform a nice TIH shows.
TIH course in Edeby in Sweden

Derect after the FEIF seminar Trausti gave a course in Edeby by Johanna Elgholm. There were 10 riders and they had individual lessons. The theme is a good frame for courses because the TIH is a test on how well your horse is educadet and trained and if the classical training stages are fulfilled or not.
TIH in FEIF education seminar.

Trausti and Denni Bergman Hauksson interduced the "Tölt in Harmony" in the FEIF education seminar held in Uppsala, Sweden. There is a growing interest for TIH and Trausti has been asked to give special clinics with TIH as a theme.
A good guest in Kirkjuferjuhjáleiga

Benny and Ómur.
We had a good guest here in the farm, Benjamin Niederkofler from South Tirol was traveling around Iceland and came by for two days. Benny is frequent pupil in Trausti´s courses in Terenten and of course he tryed to work with some of Trausti´s favorit horses, Ómur and Hrund. He also went for a ride outside on Ösp. Thank you for coming Benny, We hope you will come more often but at least Trausti and Benny will meet again in the fall when Trausti goes to Terenten to give a course.
A weekend course in your stall?

Still there are a few weekends free in the fall, Okt – Des.
The coursees are for 8-12 pupils, with 8 pupils there are 2x single riding lessons pr day and one Theory meeting. With 12 pupils, there are 2x 2riders ridinglessons pr day and a theory meeting.
Those innterested can send me message throug the web or a mail to: [email protected] or phone me in +354 8943031
The coursees are for 8-12 pupils, with 8 pupils there are 2x single riding lessons pr day and one Theory meeting. With 12 pupils, there are 2x 2riders ridinglessons pr day and a theory meeting.
Those innterested can send me message throug the web or a mail to: [email protected] or phone me in +354 8943031
Private course in Kirkjuferjuhjáleiga

Jennie Boerema from New Zealand came to Kirkjuferjuhjáleiga derect after the WM in Berlin. She used one week of her time here in a private course and did wery well. When she was back home, she wrote us this message on Facebook:
Had a great time and learned so much, thanks Trausti !! Rode and saw amazing horses . Great country great people and great horses !!! Will come back that's for sure !
In the picture, Jennie is visiting the famous and legendary stallion Stáli frá Kjarri.
Had a great time and learned so much, thanks Trausti !! Rode and saw amazing horses . Great country great people and great horses !!! Will come back that's for sure !
In the picture, Jennie is visiting the famous and legendary stallion Stáli frá Kjarri.
Mai-course in Wiedenhof

Here below is a picture-gallery from the course, taken by Benjamin Niederkofler.
Ómur in training for 5-gate. 01.05.13
Trausti´s Ridingschool in Equitana

Trausti made a deal with Rúnar Guðbrandsson who is the maker of the Hrimnir saddles to take a banner with him to Equitana this year, telling people about his courses.
Nice weekend in Terenten

There were 12 participants in Trausti´s course in Terenten the weekend 23-24 Feb. It was a mixed group, people in all ages and as usual, there were some older students and some new ones.
People in the Icelandic horse world have the ambition to ride better and it is in general easy to realize the interest in a more horse-friendly horsemanship.
Trausti´s courses focus on good communication and that the rider and horse become a unity.
People in the Icelandic horse world have the ambition to ride better and it is in general easy to realize the interest in a more horse-friendly horsemanship.
Trausti´s courses focus on good communication and that the rider and horse become a unity.
Tölt in harmony in Bayern

Today there was a demonstration on the new Tölt competition „Tölt in harmony“ here in South of Germany. Trausti had a training-course and ended it with 2 riders showing the competition. Here as most other places, interest for better horsemanship is growing.
A new course place

Next weekend, the 9-10 of February, Trausti is giving his first course by Islandpferde Rezatdgrund in the south of Germany (Bayern) where his friend and working partner Gudrun Völkl lives. This is exiting for Trausti and he is looking forward to an interesting weekend.
The photo is taken in Wirthsmuhle by our friend Beate Keller
The photo is taken in Wirthsmuhle by our friend Beate Keller
A course in Blönduós

In the weekend, 25th-27th January Trausti gave a course in Blönduós, which is in the northern Iceland. The course ended with a „Tölt balance“ tournament and it was a grate success. Everyone who tries to ride this new competition once wants to train for it and ride again.
Article collection growing.

Trausti is puting at least one new article 2-3 times pr month. There are both "larger" articles about training and horsemabship, aswell as shorter ones (editorials he wrote for Eiðfaxi)
Take a look under "Articles"
Take a look under "Articles"
"Tölt balance" courses

Because of growing interest, Trausti is offering special courses as a prepare for the new competition “Tölt balance”
One weekend in January is still free.
Those interested can contact Trausti either with a mail: [email protected] or via Tel: +354 8943031
Happy New Year.
One weekend in January is still free.
Those interested can contact Trausti either with a mail: [email protected] or via Tel: +354 8943031
Happy New Year.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and thanks for 2012!

Trausti-Courses 2013

Trausti is in the moment organizing courses in 2013 and these weekends are already booked:
5-6 jan
9-10 feb
23-24 feb
9-10 mars
23-24 mars
Those interested in having more information please contact sooner than later:
Tel: +3548943031
[email protected]
5-6 jan
9-10 feb
23-24 feb
9-10 mars
23-24 mars
Those interested in having more information please contact sooner than later:
Tel: +3548943031
[email protected]
A Trausti-course in Faroe-islands

This weekend Trausti is giving acourse with old friends in the Faroe-islands. He has´nt been there for 4 years so it is exiting for him to see the horses and riders. More news later.
This weekend Trausti is giving acourse with old friends in the Faroe-islands. He has´nt been there for 4 years so it is exiting for him to see the horses and riders. More news later.
"Articles" A new element

Under the „Articles“ here in the top, you can find articles made by Trausti for magazines such as Eiðfaxi. In the moment there is one piece there, „Charisma and Expression“, published in Eiðfaxi 2006.
Tip of the month – NEW

I plan to make a new "Tip" now and then, when I think of something, at least once a month. Take a look!
Free weekends for corses

Trausti has the possibility to add 2-3 weekend-courses this year in October and November. Those interested can send mail: [email protected] or phone: +354 8943031.

Trausti was in the Wiedenhof in the South Tirol and gave a course in the weekend 29-30 September and was giving private lessons on the Friday and Monday. It was successful and pleasant weekend for him at least.
Now the first Rider-reports are in this web under "Courses", but the reports are password protected, so only the riders can see them.
Now the first Rider-reports are in this web under "Courses", but the reports are password protected, so only the riders can see them.
Tölt Balance - a new competition

This is an idea based on Reynir‘s Aðalsteinsson ideas of a Tölt competition form that focuses on the well-being of the horse and on a very soft and good riding. He did some tests on the form in the riding school „Reiðmaðurinn“ or in English „The rider“ in the school in Hvanneyri. The idea is that the rider has to ride his horse different exercises, not using a fence to support the horse all the time and not only straight lines.
Jens Einarsson the editor of the horse paper „Hestablaðið“has taken this idea and worked with it with the support of Trausti Þór Guðmundsson and Benedikt Líndal. The purpose is to open for new ideas for the riding and competing on the Icelandic horse.
Test competition
We have tried it a few times and made one test/training competition at Skeiðvellir by Siggi Saem.
7 riders took part in this test-tournament, Anton Páll Níelsson, Hinrik Bragason, Hulda Gústafsdóttir, Ingimar Baldvinsson, Sigurður Sigurðarson, Reynir Örn Pálmason and Emil Fredsko Obilits. All agree that this is an exiting possibility for a new competition form that should be worked with further and get it into action as soon as possible. Here below are further explanations.
Jens Einarsson the editor of the horse paper „Hestablaðið“has taken this idea and worked with it with the support of Trausti Þór Guðmundsson and Benedikt Líndal. The purpose is to open for new ideas for the riding and competing on the Icelandic horse.
Test competition
We have tried it a few times and made one test/training competition at Skeiðvellir by Siggi Saem.
7 riders took part in this test-tournament, Anton Páll Níelsson, Hinrik Bragason, Hulda Gústafsdóttir, Ingimar Baldvinsson, Sigurður Sigurðarson, Reynir Örn Pálmason and Emil Fredsko Obilits. All agree that this is an exiting possibility for a new competition form that should be worked with further and get it into action as soon as possible. Here below are further explanations.